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Lighting Design

Van & Friends

Client: DJ Van

Dates: 2017

Location: Casablanca (Marocco)

Category: Visual Design

Tags: Video Mapping / Lighting Design

On the occasion of the 2017 Casa Festival in Casablanca, we supported with live visuals and video mapping the performance of music producer Dj Van, performed in collaboration with all the major Moroccan artists with whom, in recent years, he has shared a strong passion for music, producing various music bases for them.

Dj Van has hired us as the official creative studio of the concert. For the live we therefore created scenography and lighting choreography, checking the pre-existing system live. On a stage of over 40 meters we have also mapped the scenographic scenes from the festival for the creation of a video mapping designed ad hoc to accompany the live performance of the evening.

The scenography was the result of a design work conducted in the studio and the creation of multiple contents in 3D and motion graphics.


  • ChamSys MagicQ / Resolume Arena /
    Modul8 / MadMapper / After Effects / Cinema 4D


  • Lighting Designer

    Martino Ghidoni
